Tuesday, September 11, 2012


  • Hang up back packs 

Take out Purple notebook

Review Rules  Class Dojo

Mini Lesson:Today we will begin to organize and plan for our book club reading. We will begin by creating a folder to place all our thinking and learning throughout the book. 

Guided Practice:Create a small folder out of construction paper Title it.
On the first blank page I want you to list some of the questions you asked about the book. 

Independent Practice: Create folders and assign books 


Multiplication Review

Skip count 2's

Take a quiz and score it! 



Warm Up

.08  .80


word form 



Add it 

 Sutract it


Math Statement: Mathematicians talk to and question other mathematicians in order to help themselves understand.

Review place value rap and rounding rap

Mini Lesson:  1 minute  reveiw it,  each team has one minute to answer the problem then pass it on. Answer must include underline key words, important numbers, Represent the information in two different ways, Solve the question correctly, explain with a flow map and a paragraph.

Guided Practice: round one stop and show results

Independent next 6-12 rounds students complete alone.

Teach it to the class/ A stadium for for others to learn on hover cam

Ask questions provide a tip, How can they make this information stick

 Look at the number line below. Where
would you locate the number 0.46? Draw
and label the point 0.46 and write to
explain your thinking.

kHan Academy






Wednesday –  Preamble Fluency
Thursday-  Vocabulary
Friday- Constitution stickers Ask me: I can recite the Preamble 

LAnguage ARTS 
Word of the Day

Mini Lesson –  Compare and Contrast reveiw synonyms

Read  from the Golden Wish Myth

“Readers, although it is natural to understand a story from the perspective of a main character (because the author lets us see his or her thoughts), it helps to also see a story through the perspective of other characters, characters whose feelings and voices might not have been brought out so clearly.If we try to think about and to see a story through the eyes of someone whose perspective is not shown, this—like trying to see the school through the eyes of a bird—gives us a new way of seeing, and more importantly, of thinking.”

Guided Practice: I am going to read you a we have jumped out of our historical fiction genre and into mythology. Which is a genre of its own? The  importance of this piece is it contains comparing and contrasting pieces and gives us a unique look into charaters perspective.

While I read I want you to create a list of words that are used by the author to compare.

Turn Tell your partner your list.

Now let’s move this to more than comprehension let’s go into synthesizing and creating the highest level of thinking. Can you create synonyms for any of the words on your list?
Share them with a partner 

Independent Practice- During reading workshop I want you to create a tree map of words and then think of a synonym to match them

Mini Lesson ( conventions) Simple sentences vs. Compound sentences

Today we are heading into the editing phase of our writing and I would like you to focus on these skills.  Simple and compound sentences.

Simple- sentences are important to building good writing
Simple and Compound sentences make your writing more powerful.

First I am going to give you 1 min to find a simple sentence. This is a sentence with one idea and a subject and a predicate.

Now lets find the compound sentences. It may have two ideas and a joining word. 

Mini Lesson ( conventions) Simple sentences vs. Compound sentences

Today we are heading into the editing phase of our writing and I would like you to focus on these skills.  Simple and compound sentences.

Simple- sentences are important to building good writing
Simple and Compound sentences make your writing more powerful.

First I am going to give you 1 min to find a simple sentence. This is a sentence with one idea and a subject and a predicate. If you can not find one can you make one.

In 2012, summer vacation my family and I went to a lot of places and my family were exited and our mom and dad giving us surprise for my sisters and my baby brother and I went on a 3d theaters and the 3d pythons were close to our four head and then there were rats allover us, we felt he mice rats on our legs and the rats felt real.

Now lets find the compound sentences. It may have two ideas and a joining word. 

This summer I went to knots berry farm it was awesome. When we arrived we heard lots of screaming the reason why was because the ride ghost rider was rite there near the parking

Let’s compare and contrast them. Applying a reading skill into writing

Great this anchor chart is going to help you with our writing learning.
Today, I want you to go back and re-read your writing and count how many simple and compound sentences are in your writing then ask do I need more and how do I get them.




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